Class B English

389,00 589,00 

This course prepares you to drive a motor vehicle with a total mass of 3,5 tons and 8 seats (excluding the driver). Additionally you can pill a trailer with a total mass of 750 kg (and a grand total of 4,2 tons).

Note: You can book this course with a deposit of the basic course fee. Your total cost depends on the number of needed driving lessons You can find all price information here: price information

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This course prepares you to drive a motor vehicle with a total mass of 3,5 tons and 8 seats (excluding the driver). Additionally you can pill a trailer with a total mass of 750 kg (and a grand total of 4,2 tons). For this driving license you have to be at least 17 / 18 of age. Trailer above 750 koligram total permissible mass can only be pulled if the total permissible mass of vehicle and trailer ins`t above 3,5 tons. If you succesfully pass your driving license for category B you will also have gained the driving licenses for category L and AM.


Basic material for the first driving license 12 double hours with 90 min
Basic material at driver’s license enhancement 6 double hours with 90 min
Classspecific 2 double hours with 90 min


Basic training

Exercise rides and exam preperation according to need.

Special training

Training on national and country roads, regular 5 hours in one piece 5 hours with 45 min
Training on freeways, one ride of that with minimal 2 hours 4 hours with 45 min
Training at dusk or at night additionally to the rides according to number 1 and 2 minimal to the half at national/country roads or freeways. 3 hours with 45 min


Theory exam approximatly 30 – 60 min
Driving exam approximatly 55 min

Base price

For general expenses (incl. theory classes, teaching material and 2x 45 min driving simulator) 389,00 €
Here is the link to pre-register SIGN UP

Registration fees

Theory exam  69,00 €
Driving exam 199,00€

Special training

National and country roads 71,50 €
Freeways 71,50 €
At dusk or at night 71,50 €

Driving lesson (per 45 minutes)

71,50 €

Aditional options

Theory intensive course 50,00 €
Practice intensive course 150,00 €


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